I now offer three (10 or 12 week) lesson sessions and one (7 or 5 week) summer session.
Please call 845 778 4506 to schedule your registration appointment with me as soon as possible.
NEW & Simplified Lesson Session and Tuition Payment Schedule for:
Sarah D Music Studio
To Grow in Life . . . Change is Constant.
1. I now offer three 12 week teaching sessions during the school year and one 7 week teaching session in the summer.
2. Unless you/your child schedules and attends the make-up for a missed lesson before the next session starts, tuition for that lesson is forfeited.
3. Tuition for each 12 week session is $200.00 per student/instrument being taught.
4. Tuition for Summer session is $ 115.00.
5. Tuition for the 2015 Fall session is due in full on or before September 14th and 15th.
Please make tuition checks out to Sarah Dudley.
6. As in the past, when new music books or supplies are needed, I will let you know their cost so you can reimburse me at your earliest convenience. Thank you so much!
Missed Lessons and Missed Practice are Missed Opportunities to Learn and Improve.
2015 Fall session starts the week of:
September 21stth and goes through the week of December 14th.
*There will be no lessons the week of Thanksgiving and the weeks of December 21st and 28th , unless a make-up lesson is needed, and you schedule it with me.
2016 Winter session starts the week of:
January 4th and go through the week of March 28th.
*There will be no lessons the week of March 14th unless a makeup lesson is needed, and you schedule it with me.
2016 Spring session starts the week of:
*April 4 and goes through the week of June 20th, with the exception of May 30, Memorial Day lessons, which will be taught on June 27th. Otherwise, there will be no lessons the week of June 27th or July 4th unless you schedule a make-up lesson.
2016 Summer session starts the week of: July 11th and go through the week of August 22nd.
*Make-up lessons are available by appointment for missed summer lessons.
I will be accepting tuition payments from an adult on Monday, September 14th and 15th th between 5 and 7 pm by appointment.
Consistent Practice is imperative for Improvement in any Endeavor.
Effective Starting September 2015
At your earliest convenience please schedule a time with me on September 14th or 15th to:.
1. Confirm your child’s lesson day and time for the Fall 2015 Music Lesson Session.
2. Pay for the session in full. (If you prefer, you may make out one current dated check for $100 for each child/lesson, and a second November 9, 2015 dated check. I will cash the first check immediately, the second on or after November 9th.)
*If neither of these payment options will work for you, the half hour lesson cost will be $20.
3. Sign the contract for the 2015 fall session stating that you understand and will comply, to the best of your ability, with my new lesson attendance, payment and practice expectations.
The first registration time slot on September 14th and 15th is 3pm and the last one is 630pm. They run in 30 minute increments.
On the contract you will commit to:
1. Let me know if your child will be missing a lesson no later than three hours prior to the lesson time, except for emergencies, or you may not schedule a make-up lesson.
* Keep in mind that no more than 3 emergencies a session, per lesson time, will be honored.
2. Schedule and attend make up lessons within the session the lesson was missed or forfeit the missed lesson’s payment.
3. Help your child set and schedule reasonable instrument practice goals given yours and their other activities, commitments and time constraints.
I in turn commit to:
1. Be prepared to teach your child at their scheduled lesson times.
2. Help your child prepare for NYSSMA Festival, if you are interested in having them participate.
3. Encourage you and or your child to participate in the Open Mic I host at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, located at 485 Mt Airy Road in New Windsor NY, on the 4th Friday of each month, from 730 to 930 pm.
4. Let you know IF an emergency occurs and I must cancel a lesson. IF this happens, I will be responsible for scheduling an amicable make up lesson time before the end of the current session. If this is not possible, I will refund $17 for the lesson I cancelled.
Music is a language of the heart. Musical expression flourishes with Play, Encouragement and Accurate Repetition. (P.E.A.R.) Musical expression withers when judgment and perfection expectations foster discouragement and fear.
Sarah D Music Studio Lesson Attendance/Practice Contract and Payment Receipt
I __________________________________________-- understand that I have
reserved______________________________ for _____________________________lessons
(Day/s of week and time/s) (Instrument/s being taught)
For my child ________________________________for the Fall 2015 Music Lesson Session
In the Sarah D Music Studio starting the week of September 21st and running through the week of December 14th.
I understand there will be no regular lessons scheduled for the week of Thanksgiving, nor the weeks of December 14th 21st and 28th.
I understand if there is a missed lesson it is MY responsibility to schedule a make-up lesson before this 12 week session ends.
I understand that there will be no carry over lessons into the next 12 week session.
I understand there will be no refunds or credits given for missed lessons I choose not to schedule a make -up and attend the make- up lesson.
I understand that missed lessons and practice time are missed opportunities to learn and improve. I COMMIT to do my best to get my child to each lesson and allow sufficient practice time at home for learning and growth to be optimal.
Print Name Sign Name Date
Home Phone Cell Phone Email Address
Street Address City Zip Code
* I encourage each student to practice a minimum of 15 minutes, five times a week, for every 5 years they are old. Proper practice of their instrument is more like play than work. Playing an instrument is challenging, but not overwhelming if you do not judge yourself for not being better already and you applaud your successes great and small. Playing an instrument flawlessly is difficult, but when you learn and master a new technique, a new skill or song, it is richly rewarding.`
Fall Session begins the week of September 21st and run through
the week of December 14th.
Winter Session begins the week or January 4th and run through
the week of March 28th
Spring Session begins the week of April 4th and runs through
the week of June 20th.
Summer Session begins the week of July 11th and runs through
the week of August 22nd.
All sessions run for 12 weeks, ut